The Southernmost Gluten-Free Scene in Invercargill: A Guide to Top Restaurants for Gluten Free Options

baked pie near white ceramic teapot

Invercargill, the southernmost city in New Zealand, is becoming a popular destination for those looking to enjoy a delicious gluten-free meal. With a range of restaurants offering a variety of gluten-free dishes, it is no surprise that this city is emerging as a must-visit destination for those with dietary restrictions. Whether you’re a long-time resident or just visiting, this guide will help you find the top restaurants in Invercargill with gluten-free options.

Dining Out with Gluten-Free Choices

When it comes to dining out in Invercargill, there are numerous restaurants that offer gluten-free selections to meet the needs of those with dietary restrictions. Many restaurants in Invercargill are now catering to those eating gluten-free, offering dishes such as burgers, pizza, and even desserts. Here are some of the standout restaurants to try in Invercargill for gluten-free options:

Gluten-Free Groceries and Take-Away

Invercargill also offers a range of supermarkets, specialty stores, and take-away outlets that cater to those following a gluten-free diet. Here are some of the top stores to consider:

Getting Creative with Gluten-Free Invercargill Cooking

If you’re feeling especially ambitious, why not try making your own gluten-free meals at home in Invercargill? With a range of ingredients and specialty stores available, you can easily make your own gluten-free creations in the comfort of your kitchen. Here are some tips to get started:

  • Invest in some gluten-free flours, such as oat and almond flour, to make your own pancakes, cakes, and other baked goods.
  • Visit a farmers market to pick up some fresh produce to use in your meals.
  • Pick up some gluten-free pastas, such as quinoa noodles, to use in your favourite dishes.

Invercargill is a great destination for those looking for gluten-free options, with a range of restaurants, supermarkets, and specialty stores to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a night out or a home-cooked meal, you’re sure to find something that suits your needs in this southernmost city.